Nigel Walfisz FCA
- entertainment,
- health & care,
- Hospitality,
- Lifestyle,
- media,
- property,
- Retail,
- Wholesale,
Favourite Quote: “You can’t be an auditor, you smile too much!” – A happy client
“I’m one of the firm’s senior statutory auditors, I oversee the tax department and I’m the head of client services on the firm’s management committee. I advise a broad range of media and non-media clients and represent several substantial care home groups in which sector mgr has a particularly strong reputation.
I actually wanted to be an architect. I’ve still got a passion for buildings and I love poring over plans. This is also reflected in my portfolio. I originally trained in a top 50 firm before joining mgr and working with many of the partners before becoming one myself. I’ve been here for nearly 30 years now but still relish getting ‘under the hood’ with my clients and building long-term client relationships.”
Areas of expertise
- Media and entertainment
- Property
- Retail and wholesale
- Health and care
- Lifestyle and hospitality