The independent sector is playing an increasing role in the provision of healthcare. This includes providing services paid for by private patients and the provision of NHS or Council-funded healthcare. The pressure on all forms of care providers is intense, with growing demand and decreasing funding from central government.
It is crucial to ensure that every aspect of your finances and tax planning are maximised to work for you. This is especially the case in this industry sector where providing the best quality of care for patients can conflict with profitability.
That’s why we believe that healthcare companies need the best financial guidance and advice that is currently available, whether you are a care home or a private medical practice.
Unlike many accountancy firms, we have a dedicated health and care team, led by Nigel Walfisz. Nigel has worked in the sector for over 20 years and, as a consequence, has become the trusted advisor to many long-term health and care clients.

Ready to chat?
Our health and care specialists are waiting for your call: 020 7625 4545
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Find out more about our Health and Care sector
We can help with your personal tax affairs
Many clients of mgr who manage successful healthcare businesses also ask us to make sure their personal finances are fully aligned with those of their business and vice versa.
We can help you with an array of services including personal wealth management and investment, retirement and succession planning, and Income Tax, Inheritance Tax and Capital Gains Tax issues.
At mgr, we will always try to give you the information and advice you need in a way that is simple to understand and implement.

“mgr cares about my business. They are great professionals who over the years have become friends – and no, they didn’t pay me to say this!”
Paul de Savary, Home From Home Care