We offer the specialist and individual guidance we believe is necessary to make sure you’re able to effectively balance the dual challenges of high returns and optimised tax compliance.

Often, we find that clients involved with private equity partnerships have particularly complex tax affairs. There may be many different partnerships within the overall partnership structure plus complicated ownership and tax rules that apply only to this sector. It is not a sector for the faint-hearted or inexperienced to navigate unaided.

We offer a comprehensive private equity tax return service. We can help you with strategic tax planning, tax return preparation, general private equity advice and guidance, whether you are a UK resident or based overseas.

Ready to talk?

Our private equity specialists are waiting for your call: 020 7625 4545

Or email us at: jill.springbett@mgr.co.uk

Our specialist services for Private Equity Partners and Managers include:

Managing tax and compliance, and planning for the future

Preparation of tax returns

Non-resident tax planning